Reading for College Students

  • Post last modified:September 15, 2021




So I am a double English major in Literary Studies and Creative Writing — that means a lot of reading.  Don’t get me wrong, I love it and I love the books I get to read, but it does leave little time to read the books on my personal reading list.  College is a busy time, and I know that non-bookish majors get to read even less than me.  Here are a few tips that help get me reading when I’m low on time and money.

Read Before Bed

my current book set-up

    I schedule my time like crazy — I even input personal things like showering into my calendar, which means that typically I schedule my reading time as well.  If I don’t put in it, I am likely just to not do it.  I am pretty susceptible to wasting that time sitting on my phone instead of opening a book if I don’t have it written down, as I believe most of us are.  I mark on my calendar that the thirty minutes before going to sleep are for reading, which helps me turn off my screens anyways and get a better night’s sleep.  Win-win!


   Nothing is better than putting in your earbuds, laying in bed, and playing a mindless game on your phone — which is what I tend to do a lot to relax.  Why not get some reading done at the same time?  Got a long walk to class?  Finish a chapter.  Getting an audiobook subscription service has really changed my life recently — even when I feel too exhausted to hold another book, I can press play on my phone and get some reading done.  You’d be surprised how quickly all those extra minutes add up.

Bargain Books


This one might be obvious, but a college book lover has got to be thrifty.  Barnes & Noble has some steals — just the other day, I snagged a copy of Lauren Groff’s Fates and Furies for five dollars.  That’s a $27 hardback, y’all.  I also have several ebook deal newsletters that get sent to my inbox every week so I can see when there are deals on already-low ebooks.  If you are a Goodreads user, they do a similar email when a book on your to-read shelf is marked down.

Read for Pleasure

    I know that I tend to push myself a lot when reading, and I’ll tackle books that I maybe don’t have the brainpower for at the moment.  I think that reading during college needs to be relaxing (like watching netflix or listening to music is), and not another tiresome activity in your already-hectic life.  Leave Ulysses for the summer (or your literature course), and grab Leigh Bardugo’s latest book instead.  Relax, y’all.

That’s it for now.  I wish this post could have been longer, but I just started back to class this week, and between getting my schedule sorted, extracurricular meetings, and settling into our apartment, things have been a little crazy.  (Yes, I have made time for listening to Educated by Tara Westover on audiobook, if you were wondering.)  Still, I think this semester is gonna be a fun one.

See y’all soon,


Bonus Photos from This Week

my roommates may or may not have set off the fire alarm in our building baking these

my roommates may or may not have set off the fire alarm in our building baking these

we're kind of a hot mess at the moment. send help

we’re kind of a hot mess at the moment. send help



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