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Of course, another late addition to the reading wrap-up collection but gosh darn it, I’m gonna get all twelve months done.
If you read last month’s summary, honestly March was more of the same (a.k.a. So much YA).
In my never-ending-quest to show that books don’t have to be expensive or stolen, all of these were borrowed via the Libby app with the exception of Chain of Thorns, which I got with one of my sacred credits.
This Woven Kingdom by Tahereh Mafi
Not gonna lie, was a bit underwhelmed with this one. Admittedly, I do have the next one on my library shelf at the moment, but I can barely remember what happened in the first book (not a great sign) so we’ll see if we start to get back into the story or not. Might be a DNF, though.
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
This is a series I blew through this month, and honestly would have gone faster if there weren’t waiting lists at the library! Really enjoyed it though. First book was a bop.
Chain of Thorns by Cassandra Clare
Okay, y’all know I’m a sucker for a Shadowhunter book. Yeah, yeah, I know. BUT, I was super eager for Chain of Thorns thanks to the cliffhanger ending of the previous book. Maybe it’s because I’m just older, but the stakes for this trilogy ended up feeling a lot lower than others. Still, it was a good read and I’m glad I picked it up. According to Clare, there is one more trilogy in the Shadowhunter Chronicles, and I am gonna make it to the end. (Even though I will likely be in my thirties by the time it’s over. Screaming inside.)
Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard
Okay continuing on, the series goes from the Selection-vibes of the first book to more of a third-book Hunger Games. You feel me? Maybe not, but it hit the spot in terms of YA throwback series and wanting some of that dystopian nostalgia.
King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard
Things got a little more dicey with the third and fourth book, which I kinda feel could have been combined into one book.
War Storm by Victoria Aveyard
Felt like a whole lot of nothing, but still, I felt the ending was worth it. I know the ending is a bit of a controversial one with readers, and I’m not going to spoil things here, but I really liked it and thought it rang true to life. I appreciate a YA that doesn’t dumb things down.
Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson
There was a massive waiting list for this one, but I finally finished my Tiffany D. Jackson adventure. I must admit — I wasn’t too pumped for Allegedly, but that’s entirely due to the cover being kinda lame. I’m not afraid to admit it: I judged. But of course, Jackson didn’t fail me, and this was a great read.
No DNFs this month! I am getting a bit close with my current read, not going to lie, but it’s the final book in a trilogy and the need to power through is strong.
Please give me some 2010s book refs (preferably series) because for once in my life I think I might be running out.