about grace
Hi! I’m Grace. I’m originally from Atlanta but currently reside in the U.K.. I have an MA in Creative Writing and enjoy creating, reading, and sometimes writing poetry. Besides here on Ninth Street, you can also find me on Instagram and other various social media platforms, where I post about books and life as @9racereads. I have too many interests to list here, but overall, I’m curiosity-driven and believe you can find a story anywhere. I also love this silly little blog.
about ninth street
Ninth Street began as a collaborative magazine between friends and artists back when we were in high school. Of course, life eventually got in the way and we found we no longer had time for this little passion project. You can still find our old content out on the web if you dig a little, though the magazine is no longer being published. Ninth Street Magazine became Ninth Street Books purely through my own broke desire to start blogging again, this time on my own. One day, I would like to revisit creating something with other artists, but I think that time will come naturally when it is meant to.
contact me
Wanna ask about reviews? Wanna collab or talk business? Just wanna chat? Shoot me a note!
Due to the volume of requests I receive, I’m not able to reply to everyone, but do know that I read each and every note I receive — they are very much appreciated.
I am also available for beta reading, developmental editing, and copyediting. Reach out for my rates if you have a project you think I could help with.
My posts may contain affiliate links, meaning that if you buy something, I might earn a small commission from that sale. However, know that I only post my honest opinion, and would never recommend a product I wouldn’t use myself. While I love getting a little extra cash, I love having your trust even more.
Not every link on my site is an affiliate link, but for simplicity, please just assume that anything you click on is an affiliate link. If you would like more specifics, please feel free to contact me with your questions — I believe in full transparency, and will never be bothered by a request for clarification.
Privacy Policy
My privacy policy and information about how this site uses your data can be found here.
review and collaboration policies
I am happy to accept ARCs and review copies, though please note that I only write and publish honest reviews. Although I will try to get a review out in a timely manner (within the month of publication, unless requested otherwise), I cannot promise that my schedule will allow this.
Although I love to support indie authors, unfortunately I am not accepting self-published works for review at this time. If you would like to work with me on your book as an editor or beta reader, you can email me for my typical rates.
Please feel free to contact me regarding any other collaboration — I love being a part of this community and will do whatever I can to support those within it!